dxdf – diversity by design

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The mission of dxdf is to advance educational initiatives that increase awareness of opportunities in design, cultivating a field that actively embraces diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, disability, socioeconomic standing, and intellectual viewpoint.


In the field of design today, only some voices and perspectives are heard and reinforced. Beyond reforming inequities in the workplace, fostering more diverse and inclusive design environments is contingent on giving more people the opportunity to participate.

By implementing early design education initiatives that encourage active involvement, dxdf will increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and understanding that there are options within the varied disciplines of design for students to learn, grow, and find a path for their professional lives.


dxdf believes that outreach and initiatives of academic and community-based programs are critical to expanding the active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity: in the curriculum, the co-curriculum, and the socio-cultural and intellectual communities with which individuals might connect.

When a more diverse variety of people harness their lived experiences to solve design problems, new opportunities for innovation become apparent, translating into actualized projects ultimately better-serving the needs of all people.

Contact us with questions and/or how you’d like to get involved at dxdfoundation@gmail.com.